Past Projects
RomaniPhen Romani Archiv
The archive RomaniPhen sees itself as a political project that documents anti-racist and feminist Romani movements as well as the work and biographies of individuals. In addition, RomaniPhen engages in active interpretation and current political discussion of the collected body of knowledge. It is not the collection of history alone that is important to us, but its current analysis and interpretations by Romani people within a self-organized and socio-critical framework.
Intergenerational educational project about the life and work of the Polish Romni Alfreda Noncia Markovska
A digital learning platform from a Romani and Sinti perspective
An app on the history of the Nazi genocide against Romani and Sinti people in Europe.
Educational material in German and Romanes for nurseries and elementary school
Empowerment and creative space for girls* from the Romani and Sinti community