Interview Carmen Spitta, Melanie Spitta´s daugher " Die Mauer des Schweigens zu durchbrechen" SDH EN
Under the quote "To break the silence of the wall" the actress Joschla Melanie Weiß conducted an interview with Melanie Spittas daughter.
Carmen Spitta talks about her life in a politicized family, her mother's work and the importance of being visible as a woman in political work.
film length: 19:58 min
Subtitles for deaf and hearing impaired people (SDH) English, (German and English available in separate video)
Carmen Spitta talks about her life in a politicized family, her mother's work and the importance of being visible as a woman in political work.
film length: 19:58 min
Subtitles for deaf and hearing impaired people (SDH) English, (German and English available in separate video)